ChemZinc 2 | Zinc Epoxy Primer - iChem
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ChemZinc 2®

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ChemZinc 2®

ChemZinc 2® | Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer for Anti-Corrosion Protection

ChemZinc 2® is a two-component cold curing zinc-rich epoxy primer designed for anti-corrosion and quick-drying protection. Manufactured by Ichem Company, it offers strong protection against rust and corrosion for metal surfaces in industrial and construction applications.

Benefits of ChemZinc 2®:

  • Anti-corrosion protection for metal surfaces

  • Quick-drying for faster application

  • Compatible with various paint systems

ChemZinc 2® is ideal for industrial, marine, and steel industries, providing long-lasting durability and reducing maintenance.

ChemZinc 2®

• Provides a very good bonding between steel bars and concrete.

• Combats corrosion by electrochemical means.

• Excellent rust inhibiting properties.

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