ChemZinc 1® | Zinc Epoxy Primer - iChem
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ChemZinc 1®

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ChemZinc 1®

ChemZinc 1® | Zinc-Based Epoxy Primer for Metal Surfaces

ChemZinc 1® is a single-component primer based on metallic zinc and epoxy resins from Ichem Company. It is designed to offer effective protection against corrosion and rust on metal surfaces in industrial and construction applications.

Key Benefits of ChemZinc 1®:

  • Corrosion Protection: Provides strong protection against rust and corrosion.

  • Single-Component Formula: Easy to use and apply with no mixing required.

  • Ideal for Metal Surfaces: Perfect for industrial and commercial projects.

ChemZinc 1®

• One component, it avoids possible mixing problems.

• Economical, one pack system ensures no site wastage.

• Provides a very good bonding between steel bars and concrete.

• Combats corrosion by electrochemical means.

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